Questionnaire to the political parties participating in the municipal elections of 2019 in Jàvea

The answer from Podemos
Bernhard Feiner, chairman of Podemos in Jávea thankfully gave the answers directly in German so we only had to translate it into English

1) What is your opinion of the Spanish constitution? Do you think there are points to improve? What improvements do you propose?


Dringend geändert werden müsste:

Artículo 135: Los créditos para satisfacer los intereses y el capital de la deuda pública de las Administraciones se entenderán siempre incluidos en el estado de gastos de sus presupuestos y su pago gozará de prioridad absoluta.

(vorgeschlagene Änderung (die von Izquierda Plural): El pago de los créditos presupuestarios para satisfacer la financiación necesaria que garantice la cobertura universal de los servicios públicos fundamentales gozará de prioridad absoluta frente a cualquier otro gasto.

Dieser Artikel wurde in einer ausserordentlichen Sitzung im August 2011 ohne öffentliche Debatte oder Volksbefragung oder gar Volksabstimmung geändert. Die Änderung hat das Leben aller in Spanien lebenden Menschen negativ beeinflusst, da die Verluste der Banken, herbeigeführt durch eine katastrophale Finanzpolitik derselben, durch Gelder der Steuerzahler beglichen wurden, auf Kosten des Gesundheits-, Sozial- und Erziehungswesens.

Artículo 1.3, 56 y siguientes: La forma política del Estado español es la Monarquía parlamentaria.

Ich wäre auch dafür statt eines Königreichs die Republik wieder einzuführen: erstens weil Letztere durch einen Staatsstreich mit anschließendem blutigen Bürgerkrieg abgeschafft wurde, und zweitens weil der Posten des Staatsoberhaupts nicht durch Geschlechtsverkehr, sondern durch die Entscheidung des Volkes vergeben werden sollte.

Auf schriftliche Nachfrage, dass die Ausführung bezüglich Artikel 135 möglicherweise einer Erläuterung bedürfe, reagierte Bernhard Feiner wie folgt:

der Artikel in seiner jetzigen Fassung (einmütig geändert von PSOE und PP in einer Nacht- und Nebelaktion) besagt, dass die Aufrechterhaltung des Finanzwesens absoluten Vorrang hat. Das heisst, dass die Schulden an die Bank wichtiger sind als andere Grundrechte der Verfassung, z.B. das Recht auf eine Wohnung, Arbeit, etc., wodurch z.B. Wohnungsenteignungen legitimiert werden.


A change urgently needed would be:

Artículo 135: Los créditos para satisfacer los intereses y el capital de la deuda pública de las Administraciones se entenderán siempre incluidos en el estado de gastos de sus presupuestos y su pago gozará de prioridad absoluta.

(suggested change (by Izquierda Plural): The payment of budgetary appropriations to meet the necessary funding to ensure universal coverage of essential public services will have absolute priority over all other expenditure.

This article was amended in an extraordinary session in August 2011 without public debate or even a public referendum. The change has negatively affected the lives of all people living in Spain, as the losses of the banks, caused by their catastrophic financial policies, have been paid for by taxpayers' money, at the expense of health, social and educational services.

Artículo 1.3, 56 y siguientes: La forma política del Estado español es la Monarquía parlamentaria.

I would also be in favour of reintroducing the republic instead of a kingdom: firstly because the latter was abolished by a coup d'état followed by a bloody civil war, and secondly because the post of head of state should not be awarded by sexual intercourse but by the decision of the people.

In response to a written request that the explanations of Article 135 might require an explanation, Bernhard Feiner responded as follows:

The article in its current version (unanimously amended by the PSOE and PP in a covert action) states that the maintenance of the financial system has absolute priority. This means that debts to the bank are more important than other fundamental constitutional rights, e.g. the right to housing, work, etc., which legitimise e.g. housing expropriation.

2) What is your opinion of the concept of the „països catalans“[1] of the Catalan separatists? Do they represent anything positive or negative for Jávea?


Wer sind die “katalanischen Separatisten” und was ist ihr Konzept von den “països catalans”?

Wenn es einen Einfluss der “països catalans” auf Jávea gibt, so denke ich, ist das die Zweisprachigkeit, und die ist immer positiv.


Who are the "Catalan separatists" and what is their concept of the "països catalans"?

If there is an influence of the "països catalans" on Jávea, I think it is bilingualism, and that is always positive.

3) The Public Prosecutor's Office is investigating the more than 10 million grants from the Catalan Government to Acció Cultural [2]. What do you think about this? Should Valencia accept money from Catalonia or should Valencia only use its own money to promote or finance its cultural aims and reject any attempt to influence our cultural life? Do you think that cultural creation is being frustrated in one of the two languages? Why?


Wenn das Geld für Kulturförderung benutzt wird, sollte es angenommen werden. Sowohl von Katalonien, als auch von der EU.


If the money is used to promote culture, it should be accepted. Both from Catalonia and from the EU.

4) Article 6 of the Statute of Autonomy of the Valencian Community states, in paragraph 2: „The Valencian language is the official language in the Valencian Community, as is Castilian, which is the official language of the State. Everyone has the right to know them and to use them and to receive the teaching in them, Valenciano and Spanish alike.“

Obviously there is no obligation to know Valenciano. The last decrees of the Valencian government have decided that the children of the stage of infantil [3] must receive the education in Valenciano with a percentage of 65% and the decree wants to extend this obligation. What are you doing to help the parents so that they can decide on the choice of the language of the education of their children? When parents do not feel represented by the school council of which the townhall also forms part, do you think that either of the two languages is being discriminated?


"Offensichtlich gibt es keine Verpflichtung Valenciano zu kennen" Offensichtich gibt es keine Verpflichtung, Castellano (Spanisch) zu können.

Meiner Meinung nach wird valenciano “positiv diskriminiert”, was aber auch notwendig ist, da castellano im öffentlichen Leben stark überwiegt.


"Obviously there is no obligation to know Valenciano" Obviously there is no obligation to know Castellano (Spanish).

In my opinion, Valenciano is "positively discriminated against", but this is also necessary because Castellano strongly predominates in public life.

Annotation of the questioner: Article 3 of the Constitution of Spain of 1978 reads:

(1) El castellano es la lengua española oficial del Estado. Todos los españoles tienen el deber de conocerla y el derecho a usarla.
(2) Las demás lenguas españolas serán también oficiales en las respectivas Comunidades Autónomas de acuerdo con sus Estatutos

in English:

(1) Castilian is the official Spanish language of the State. All Spaniards have the duty to know it and the right to use it.
(2) The other Spanish languages shall also be official in the respective Autonomous Communities in accordance with their Statutes.

5) The Valencian government has sent a bus to the schools in Jávea to tell the students that Valenciano should be their vehicular language, with the permission of the Jávea municipality and without the permission of the parents. We have families of many nationalities in Jávea. The language of some students is Valenciano, of others is Spanish, English, German, Polish... What do you plan to do so that such an indoctrination is not carried out in our schools in the future?


Ist die Frage des valenciano das Einzige, was Sie an einer zukünftigen Stadtverwaltung interessiert? Für Podemos steht diese Frage ziemlich weit hinten auf der Liste, da Umweltschutz, Arbeits- und Lebensbedingungen im Vordergrund stehen. Ich bin bestimmt kein “valencianista”, aber wir sind nun einmal in eine zweisprachige Gegend ausgewandert, weshalb auch wir Ausländer beide Sprachen kennen sollten. Für mich ist ein viel größeres Problem, dass die große Mehrheit der europäischen Einwanderer weder castellano noch valenciano spricht (ausser einer Konversation mit dem Kellner). Oder warum wird das Ergebnis dieser “Umfrage” nur auf deutsch und englisch veröffentlicht?


Is the question of Valenciano the only thing that interests you in a future city administration? For Podemos, this question is a long way off the list, since environmental protection, working and living conditions are the most important. I am certainly not a "valencianista", but we have emigrated to a bilingual area, which is why we foreigners should know both languages. A much bigger problem for me is that the vast majority of European immigrants speak neither Castellano nor Valenciano (except for a conversation with the waiter). Or why is the result of this "survey" only published in German and English?

6) In health care, official buildings, traffic signs there are only signs in Valenciano. As in the hospital Marina Salud and the town hall of Jávea. What will you do so that the two languages are present without discrimination of either of them?


Keine Antwort


No answer

7) What proposals do you have to implant a real bilingualism in Jávea instead of a unilateral preference for Valenciano?


Keine Antwort


No answer


[1] „països catalans“ is a separatist concept that demands the extension of Catalonia to all areas where Catalan is spoken. In Spain, these are mainly the Comunidad Valencia and the Balearic Islands, but also parts of France and Sardinia belong to it.

[2] Acció Cultural is an organization in Valencia similar to Òmnium Cultural, which was founded in 1961 as a cultural organization under Franco and is today one of the spearheads of separatism.

[3] Infantil is the first stage in kindergarten, where children from 3-6 years are cared for. The next school term will see the extension of Valenciano to the next level.

Myths and deceptions of Catalan nationalism

Peredo Alvaro discovered on his homepage "piratas&emperadores" the myths and impostures of Catalan nationalism.

Here you'll find the translation

The strategy of recatalanization

1980 the Spanish journal "El Periodico" published a secret document about the strategy of the Catalan government. It shows in a frightening way the actual spiritual world of the separatist leaders.

Now it is available in english translation.

the separatist's imperial claim

The Catalan government exports the conflict into communities with Catalan population, supporting all efforts of the separatists including financial means to destroy Spain.
An important tool is the establishment of a language dictatorship that is not afraid to use the same means as Franco.

Separatist indoctrination

In 2017, the teachers' union AMES published a study on school textbooks, as they appeared in Spain and in Catalonia on the same topic. In this study the indoctrination becomes clear, as it describes how Separatists operate. It is now translated into English

Click here to read the study


The title says: "Catalonia, a conflict is exported. Insights of a migrant"
Sorry, up to now, this book is only available in German. However, drop us a line, if you are interested to learn more Contact.