Questionnaire to the political parties participating in the municipal elections of 2019 in Jàvea

The PP answers by Roseta Cardona

1) What is your opinion of the Spanish constitution? Do you think there are points to improve? What improvements do you propose?


The Spanish constitution is the norm of all norms, its rank allows no norm to contradict it and I think that both Spaniards and all people living in Spain must respect the principles, values and rights it grants us, as well as fulfilling the obligations that correspond to all of us as citizens.

At the moment I consider that the powers delegated to the Autonomous Communities should be reviewed, all people and all citizens are equal and therefore should have the same privileges and the same responsibilities, as citizens that make up this country.


La constitución española es la norma de todas las normas, su rango permite que ninguna norma la contradiga y pienso que tanto los españoles como todas las personas que viven en España deben respetar los principios, valores y los derechos que nos otorga, así como cumplir las obligaciones que nos corresponden a todos como ciudadanos.

En estos momentos considero que las competencias que tiene delegadas a las comunidades Autónomas deberían ser revisadas, todas las personas y todos los ciudadanos son iguales y por eso mismo deberían tener los mismos privilegios y las mismas responsabilidades, cada uno de los pueblos que formamos este país.

2) What is your opinion of the concept of the „països catalans“[1] of the Catalan separatists? Do they represent anything positive or negative for Jávea?


In my opinion, the Catalan countries do not exist and there is no norm that regulates them. That a community wants to convince itself that it lives in a country that is not Spain, because of their ideals that do not reflect reality.

The State must study the solution to the current situation and not create a problem for Spain, with the many social and economic problems we are experiencing. The State will be the one to make agreements for everyone, and other autonomous communities that have their own territory and traditions and are not linked to the països catalans should never be affected.

If Catalonia is really convinced that the Valencians and those of the Balearic Islands are part of "their country", then this is a mistake, because we belong to Spain, its history and our customs unite us. If a part of Catalonia believes that we should be part of them, that is an excuse to pretend that it is not just them but us, we are not in times of reconquering territories or imposing languages or history, because we Valencians want to be Valencians and not new Catalans.

They represent something negative for Jávea, it makes no sense that they want to impose on us a feeling of affection for a territory and a language that has nothing to do with us, it cannot be that in education they are encouraging young people, with ideas, vocabulary and work projects, who are from another community. It cannot be that education is working so much to leave aside Valencian values and traditions, as if they had never existed here. The Valencian community was not born today, we have a legacy that we cannot forget and that we must take care of in order to continue maintaining our own identity as Valencians and as Spaniards.


En mi opinión los països catalans, no existen y tampoco existe ninguna norma que los regule. Que una comunidad quiera auto convencerse a ella misma que vive en un país que no es España, pues es una cuestión de ideales y no de realidades.

El Estado deberá estudiar la solución de la situación actual y no crear un problema a España, con los tantísimos problemas sociales y económicos que estamos viviendo. Será el Estado quien ponga acuerdos para todos, y nunca deberán afectarse a otras comunidades autónomas que tiene un territorio y unas tradiciones propias y que no les vinculan con los païssos catalans.

Si Cataluña realmente está convencida que los valencianos y los de Baleares formamos parte de “ su país” es un error, solo nos une nuestra pertenencia a España, a su historia y a las costumbres. Si una parte de Cataluña considera que debemos ser parte de ellos es una excusa, para aparentar que no les afecta solo a ellos sino a nosotros también, no estamos en tiempos de reconquistas de territorios, ni de imposiciones de lenguas ni de historias, porque los valencianos queremos ser valencianos y no nuevos catalanes.

Representan algo negativo para Jávea, no tiene ningún sentido que nos quieran imponer un sentimiento de afecto a un territorio y a una lengua que no tiene nada que ver con nosotros, no puede ser que en la educación estén fomentando a los jóvenes, con ideas, vocabulario y proyectos de trabajo, que son de otra comunidad. No puede ser que desde la educación se esté trabajando tanto para dejar de lado los valores y tradiciones valencianas, como si aquí nunca hubiesen existido. La comunidad Valenciana no ha nacido hoy, tenemos un legado que no podemos olvidar y que debemos cuidar para seguir manteniendo nuestra propia identidad como valencianos y como españoles.

3) The Public Prosecutor's Office is investigating the more than 10 million grants from the Catalan Government to Acció Cultural [2]. What do you think about this? Should Valencia accept money from Catalonia or should Valencia only use its own money to promote or finance its cultural aims and reject any attempt to influence our cultural life? Do you think that cultural creation is being frustrated in one of the two languages? Why?


When the public prosecutor's office investigates, it is because information provokes a suspicion that the Catalan government is violating the law. The Valencian Community should not accept money from a community to promote the policies and ideals of another. The Valencian Community has its own identity characteristics and Acció Cultural, an association dedicated to promoting the language and history of the Valencian Community within a framework of historical identification with Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, is very interested in forgetting our own roots so that we can take over those of our neighbours. Someone can imagine that this is happening, on the contrary, that it was the Valencian Community that was promoting Valencian history and its language in Catalan territory and that we made the Catalans believe that their version of history is not valid and that the only valid history, language and territory is that of the Valencian Community. It is unthinkable!

Well, that's what Catalonia does to the Valencian community, and with it they want to influence our cultural life, and of course the Valencian culture is frustrated, they want us to believe that Valenciano is not the right thing to do and that Catalan is the right thing to do. When the richness of the cultures is that each region has its own history and its own language.


Si la Fiscalía está investigando, es porque información para sospechar que el gobierno catalán está vulnerando la legalidad. La Comunidad Valenciana no debe aceptar dinero de ninguna comunidad para promocionar la política e idearios de otra comunidad. La Comunidad Valenciana tiene sus propias señas de identidad y Acció Cultural, que es una asociación que se dedica a la promoción de la lengua e historia propia de la Comunidad valenciana en un marco de identificación histórica con Cataluña y la Islas Baleares, tiene mucho empeño en que olvidemos nuestras propias raíces, para que adoptemos las de nuestros vecinos. Alguien puede imaginarse que esto que está ocurriendo, sucediese al contrario, que fuese la Comunidad Valenciana quien estuviese fomentando la historia valenciana y su lengua en territorio catalán y que les hiciésemos creer a los catalanes que su versión de la historia no vale y que la única y válida historia, lengua y territorio es el de la Comunidad Valenciana. Es impensable!!

Pues eso es lo que está haciendo Cataluña con la Comunidad Valenciana y con ello quieren influir en nuestra vida cultural y por supuesto que se está frustrando la creación cultural del valenciano, nos quieren hacer ver que el valenciano no es lo correcto y que lo correcto es el catalán. Cuando la riqueza de las culturas es que cada territorio cuide y mantenga su propia historia y su propia lengua.

4) Article 6 of the Statute of Autonomy of the Valencian Community states, in paragraph 2: „The Valencian language is the official language in the Valencian Community, as is Castilian, which is the official language of the State. Everyone has the right to know them and to use them and to receive the teaching in them, Valenciano and Spanish alike".

Obviously there is no obligation to know Valenciano. The last decrees of the Valencian government have decided that the children of the stage of infantil [3] must receive the education in Valenciano with a percentage of 65% and the decree wants to extend this obligation. What are you doing to help the parents so that they can decide on the choice of the language of the education of their children? When parents do not feel represented by the school council of which the townhall also forms part, do you think that either of the two languages is being discriminated?


Education is not a local competence, it is an autonomous competence, and today Isabel Bonig, the candidate of the Partido Popular for the presidency of the Generalitat Valenciana, has said that education is not the future but the present, and that the families, when she is President of the Comunidad Valenciana, will freely choose the school, the language and the kind of education they want for their children, so that education prepares them to be people formed for a world full of possibilities.

It is true that the current autonomous government (PSOE-Compromís), similar to the Catalan independence ideology, has insisted that the only language is Valenciano, but this will change if the government changes, because with the PP the subjects will be taught in Valenciano, Spanish and English.

Parents have the opportunity to become members of the School Council and express their questions and concerns there, but the language in which the subjects are taught does not depend on the school councils, they should be the ones who propose other alternatives, their discontent or their conformity with the Conselleria de Educación.


La educación no es una competencia local, es una competencia autonómica, y hoy mismo Isabel Bonig, la candidata por el Partido Popular a la presidencia de la Generalitat Valenciana ha dicho que la educación no es el futuro sino el presente, y que cuando sea presidenta de la Comunidad Valenciana, las familias elegirán libremente el centro, la lengua y el tipo de educación que quieren para sus hijos para que la educación les prepare para ser personas formadas para un mundo lleno de posibilidades.

Es cierto que el gobierno autonómico actual (psoe-compromis), afines al ideario independentista catalán, ha impulsado para que el único idioma sea el valenciano, pero esto cambiará si cambiamos de gobierno, ya que con el PP las asignaturas se impartirán en valenciano, castellano e inglés.

Los padres tienen la posibilidad de ser miembros del Consejo Escolar y allí manifestar sus cuestiones y preocupaciones, pero la cuestión sobre en qué idioma se impartirán las asignaturas no dependen de los Consejos escolares, deberán ser ellos quienes propongan otras alternativas, su descontento o su conformidad a la Conselleria de Educación.

5) The Valencian government has sent a bus to the schools in Jávea to tell the students that Valenciano should be their vehicular language, with the permission of the Jávea municipality and without the permission of the parents. We have families of many nationalities in Jávea. The language of some students is Valenciano, of others is Spanish, English, German, Polish... What do you plan to do so that such an indoctrination is not carried out in our schools in the future?


The Partido Popular oposes the imposition of Valenciano as the only language and defends the freedom of parents to choose their children's school, since the greatest wealth of our community is that we offer students all the opportunities to be better prepared and educated, and this can only be achieved by facilitating the education of students both in Valenciano, Spanish and English.

The marketing expenditure on a bus to remind the children that their language be Valenciano, seems to me beyond common sense, for that there are schools... This money could have been invested in courses for parents who want to learn Valenciano and can help their children in home works, many parents cannot help their children because they cannot speak Valenciano.


El Partido Popular se opone a la imposición del valenciano como única lengua, y defiende la libertad de los padres para elegir el colegio de sus hijos, ya que la mayor riqueza de nuestra comunidad es que les ofrezcamos a los alumnos todas las opciones para estar más preparados y mejor formados y ello solo se consigue facilitando la educación de los alumnos tanto en valenciano, como en castellano y como en inglés.

El gasto de marketing en un autobús para recordar a los niños que su idioma es el valenciano, me parece fuera del sentido común, para eso ya están los colegios. Con ese dinero se podría haber invertido en cursos para padres que quieran a prender valenciano y puedan ayudar a sus hijos en las tareas escolares, ya que muchos padres no se ven capaces de ayudar a sus hijos por que no conocen el valenciano.

6) In health care, official buildings, traffic signs there are only signs in Valenciano. As in the hospital Marina Salud and the town hall of Jávea. What will you do so that the two languages are present without discrimination of either of them?


If the local Partido Popular accedes to the Jávea government, it will create a Foreigners Council to facilitate the participation of foreigners in local life and in the local administration itself.

The Partido Popular has announced on many occasions that if the information issued by the institutions is offered only in Valenciano, this will become misinformation for the citizen. What is the point of informing only a few when in Jávea almost 47% of citizens are of foreign origin? What is the point of promoting the innumerable cultural events and places only in Valenciano, considering the cost of these events?

Jávea is an integrating community and rich in cultures whose best cultural integration and participation in events and administration is to provide all information in Spanish, Valenciano and English.


Si el partido popular local accede al gobierno de Jávea creará la concejalía del Extranjero, para facilitar la participación de los extranjeros en la vida local y en la propia administración local.

El partido popular ha hecho saber en muchas ocasiones que, si la información que se emite desde las instituciones se ofrece sólo en Valenciano, lo que se está produciendo es una desinformación al ciudadano. Qué sentido tiene informar solo para unos cuantos, cuando en Jávea casi un 47% son ciudadanos que son de origen extranjero. Qué sentido tiene promocionar los innumerables actos culturales y lugares sólo en valenciano, con el coste que tienen estos actos.

Jávea es un municipio integrador y rico en culturas y que la mejor integración cultural y participación de actos y en la administración es ofrecer toda la información en español, valenciano e inglés.

7) What proposals do you have to implant a real bilingualism in Jávea instead of a unilateral preference for Valenciano?


If the Partido Popular governs and manages the local administration of Jávea after the municipal elections in May, bilingualism is facilitated by the Council of Foreigners, which informs citizens in both, Spanish, Valenciano and English. In the educational sector, when the Partido Popular of the Autonómico Valenciano governs in the Generalitat, the option is given to choose the schools according to the language the parents want for their children.

Promotion of Spanish, Valenciano and English through courses to facilitate communication between all residents of Jávea. Just as a Spaniard learns English, foreign residents learn Spanish and Valenciano.


Si el partido popular gobierna y dirige la administración local de Jávea a partir de las elecciones locales de mayo, se facilitará el bilingüismo a través de la concejalía de extranjeros, se informará a los ciudadanos tanto en castellano, en valenciano como en inglés. En educación, si el Partido Popular Autonómico Valenciano gobierna en la Generalitat se dará la opción de elegir los centros según el idioma que los padres quieran para sus hijos.

Promocionar el castellano, el valenciano y el inglés a través de cursos para facilitar la comunicación entre todos los residentes de Jávea. Y que de la misma manera que un español aprende el inglés, los residentes extranjeros aprendan el castellano y el valenciano.


[1] „països catalans“ is a separatist concept that demands the extension of Catalonia to all areas where Catalan is spoken. In Spain, these are mainly the Comunidad Valencia and the Balearic Islands, but also parts of France and Sardinia belong to it.

[2] Acció Cultural is an organization in Valencia similar to Òmnium Cultural, which was founded in 1961 as a cultural organization under Franco and is today one of the spearheads of separatism.

[3] Infantil is the first stage in kindergarten, where children from 3-6 years are cared for. The next school term will see the extension of Valenciano to the next level.

Myths and deceptions of Catalan nationalism

Peredo Alvaro discovered on his homepage "piratas&emperadores" the myths and impostures of Catalan nationalism.

Here you'll find the translation

The strategy of recatalanization

1980 the Spanish journal "El Periodico" published a secret document about the strategy of the Catalan government. It shows in a frightening way the actual spiritual world of the separatist leaders.

Now it is available in english translation.

the separatist's imperial claim

The Catalan government exports the conflict into communities with Catalan population, supporting all efforts of the separatists including financial means to destroy Spain.
An important tool is the establishment of a language dictatorship that is not afraid to use the same means as Franco.

Separatist indoctrination

In 2017, the teachers' union AMES published a study on school textbooks, as they appeared in Spain and in Catalonia on the same topic. In this study the indoctrination becomes clear, as it describes how Separatists operate. It is now translated into English

Click here to read the study


The title says: "Catalonia, a conflict is exported. Insights of a migrant"
Sorry, up to now, this book is only available in German. However, drop us a line, if you are interested to learn more Contact.